Saturday, August 20, 2011

IS This Just a Dream?!


A gorgeously smiling Taylor Swift did, in my opinion, THE MOST surprising cover ever during her St. Louis show.  She paid homage to Nelly by performing her rendition of "Just a Dream"! Shocking? Yes, I thought I was dreaming when I came across the video.  Loving it? WORDS CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE! Taylor really gets into!  She goes from cutesy, happy girl to mildly attitudinal, neck rolling diva towards the end of the song. And, just for clarification, when I say "mildly" I really mean the lowest level of sass was done.  It was so cute!  To me, this definitely overshadows the slight wardrobe malfunction that occurred the same night.  The wind machine on stage definitely upped her pretty little dress, revealing her ... nude panties? Or hiney? Sorry, I really couldn't tell.  No worries though ladies and gentlemen, for you gentlemen out there, the cutey queen played it off with a hop-skip, hairflip combo and continued singing one of my faves "Belong With Me". Sadly I don't expose undergarments, or tushies, so you'll just have to search for the "Marilyn Monroe Like" dress blow up clip from youtube, or Google.  But, I will share with you her Nelly vid!  Now don't freak out, she's on a 360 revolving stage, so she will start facing the camera and will return to camera side.  Don't hunt down the videographer! It's not his/her fault!

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